Long Island Imago Relationship Therapists talk about things that show up in their practice, and how they impact couples & individuals.

Imago Relationship Therapists, David Weber and Robin Newman, talk about ideas & things that show up in their day-to-day practice in Long Island, and how they impact couples & individuals. Topics mentioned: PART 1: PART 2: Working with a counselor who’s a professional in relationship therapy can help you strengthen your connection and find solutions to conflicts. We offer a safe place where couples learn to … Read More

Addiction Counseling in NY

Recovery looks different for everyone. David Weber & Robin Newman talk about addiction counseling in NY – specifically dealing with couples therapy. What do you believe would be helpful for couples who are currently active/struggling in their addictions? In the case of one person in the couple struggling with addiction, often, I recommend seeing someone separately for the addictive piece. It could be me too, but … Read More

How to communicate our needs to our partner

Many people have trouble being assertive, especially if it’s with the one they love. One of the things many people struggle with is how to communicate our needs to others. Instead, they rely on “mind-reading,” believing that their partner should intuitively know what they need, without them having to say anything. If our partner isn’t skilled in telepathy, they’ve never been given a fair chance to … Read More

Ear Acupuncture + Counseling for People Dealing with Addiction

ROBIN NEWMAN & DAVID WEBER: LI/NY Imago Relationship Therapists Discuss Ear Acupuncture + Counseling for People Dealing with Addiction in Long Island, New York. Regain control of your addiction. The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island offers ear acupuncture as part of our services. Acupuncture is based on the points & principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which emphasize preventing and dealing with the underlying causes of … Read More

How Stress Affects Your Physical Health

Stress requires your body to react / adjust in response to events around you. Your body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and/or emotional responses. In this post, we’re going to focus on just a few of the physical effects of constant stress on your body. This is a reminder to us all to give our bodies a break; that rest and relaxation is a … Read More

This is your brain on LOVE

Falling in love is fun (and intense)! From butterflies in the stomach, to feelings of euphoria, to not being able to think of anyone or anything else, here’s what happens to your brain when you find that special spark with someone. This is your brain on LOVE! The feeling that we know of as ‘love’ is actually an irresistible cocktail of hormones and chemicals. So what … Read More

Trauma-Informed Counseling in Long Island

Trauma-informed counseling in Long Island, New York – Our location is in Miller Place, Suffolk County, NY. Our bodies and minds hold onto our past trauma. Counseling is a necessary tool to recover. Healing from trauma requires self-compassion, access to a professional mental health therapist, a bunch of patience, and an education of how it all impacts the mind and the body. If you have experienced … Read More

Depression from Divorce – Counseling in Long Island

The broad-reaching implications that a divorce may have on your life and the lives of your children can be difficult for anyone to cope with. A common mental health issue that occurs in people is slipping into a depression from divorce. It is imperative to find a counselor to help keep you in the right frame of mind and as emotionally-stable as possible. Talk therapy can … Read More

What is Scapegoating? Counseling For Individuals in Long Island

Unfair, unjust, and brutal… Scapegoating is a dangerous and often overlooked behavior in the realm of abuse. It ruins self-esteem, increases anger / depression, and crushes trust. So let’s explore what scapegoating is… Scapegoating is a behavior of singling out a person/child/employee/member of a group of peers with the intention of giving them unmerited negative treatment or blame. Scapegoat theory refers to the tendency to blame … Read More