Anger management counseling involves the process of learning to be aware of the signs of becoming angry and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation productively.
The main goal of anger management counseling is not to keep you from feeling anger or holding it in / suppressing it. Anger is normal human nature, and it is actually ok to feel angry. Anger management is about learning how to express your feelings properly.
The most effective way to get this understood is to get counseling or to seek help from a mental health professional who can help you.
Why Anger Management?
Anger management counseling helps you recognize frustrations early.
Counseling helps you to recognize and resolve your feelings of anger / frustration in a way that allows you to express your needs while remaining calm and in control. You are the master of your domain, don’t let your body take over and go into a flight or fight (or more of a fight or fight) response! Learn to stay in control of your thoughts so when something / someone sparks a bit of anger within, you don’t let it take you over.
Here’s a few signs of someone who needs anger management counseling:
- Persistent negative thinking and holding onto past experiences.
- Always feeling irritated, impatient and hostile.
- Getting into arguments that escalate into anger / aggressiveness.
- Getting physically violent with partners or loved ones.
- Threats of violence against people or property.
- Avoiding situations because of anxiety and frustrations.
Counseling can be done in a group or individual session. The setting, duration and general schedule of sessions depend on the counselor and/or your needs.
Counseling for anger management is based on learning specific behavioral skills and generating ways to cope with anger.
The aim of anger management counseling is to teach you how to recognize and manage the things that make you likely to get angry. This may prompt you to improve your sleep habits and to avoid fatigue, or keep low stress levels by exercising regularly or getting outside. When you identify the situations that make you angry, you’ll know how to respond in a proper manner and express your feelings appropriately, without losing control. Communicating effectively will help you avoid feeling of anger and sort out the conflict/s appropriately.
Anger management techniques will help you to communicate your needs by learning how to talk about things that frustrate you so as to maintain positive relationships. By maintaining better health, you avoid headaches, difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, heart problems, high blood pressure. You also prevent psychological and social problems linked to anger such as depression, anxiety and / or troubled relationships.
Use your frustrations to get things done by using anger as a motivation! This will propel you to work hard and bring a positive light to your life, harnessing the energy of your anger and turning it around into something beneficial. Gain control and keep cool without adding more problems to your life!
For more information on anger management counseling in Long Island:
Please note that we do not accept insurance.
However, we can provide you with statements for OON benefits.