Blended Family Therapist in Miller Place, Long Island

David Weber is a blended family therapist in Miller Place, New York. He also counsels individuals and couples. Ear acupuncture and hypnosis are offered at the Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island as well.

With the tools of Imago Relationship Therapy, David’s counseling techniques help dissolve family issues from the root cause.

As stats for USA marriages go, nearly half of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Therefore, you can say that almost 50% of households have blended families of some kind; where children live with a biological parent and a step-parent/step-siblings.

Clashes in lifestyle, daily routines, parenting methods, and an array of other possibilities can bring up many issues within a blended family. You can probably expect the early years of a blended family to be difficult, even if you seem to get along. It takes time for children to adapt to the new family structure. It may help to speak with a therapist about the transition before it even begins.

If your family has recently gone through a difficult time such as a death or trauma, or has ongoing negative patterns that you’re wishing to resolve, contact David Weber, owner of The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island, and blended family therapist in Miller Place.

565 Route 25A, Suite LR4, Miller Place, New York

Call us at (631) 248-1727

At the Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island, we look at people in the family not just as individuals, but as parts of a complex, multi-generational system. We believe that change is possible, sometimes all it takes is a new way of looking at an old problem.