What’s the biggest issue in your relationship & when did it begin?

Communication brings couples closer together and makes it easy for them to build chemistry and love.

The quality of conversations that you have with your significant other plays a strong role in determining how happy, fulfilling and trusting your relationship will be.

It’s tough to spot potential relationship problems when everything is new and exciting. Any issues that might occur in the beginning can easily be overlooked or never spoken about. (Why ruin the fun?) You look past red flags or hope that minor-seeming issues will magically smooth themselves over. But the reality is that early relationship issues can get worse over time without properly dealing with them.

What do you think is the biggest problem in your relationship & when did it begin? If you’re stuck in a never-ending argument with your significant other, you both may need to take a different approach to solving it. This is when many couples seek out a therapist. Being able to discuss difficult topics will help ease tension and leave room for your relationship to grow.

The effectiveness of your communication is in direct correlation to the level of trust and security you’ll have with one another.

Without communicating about what’s really going on, the argument/s will keep reoccurring.

Much of the common relationship issues that couples face can easily be avoided with mutual effort, understanding and respect. Although bumps along the path of marriage are unavoidable, if you are both aware of how to handle disagreements in a productive way, it will be much easier to overcome issues as a couple without leading your relationship to the verge of collapse.

If you’re feeling unhappy in your relationship/marriage, or you’re having the same fights play out over & over again and don’t know what to do about it, consider trying an Imago therapy session at The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island.

If you want to end the biggest problem in your relationship once and for all, learn the Imago dialogue. It is a structured approach to communication which allows couples to move from blame and reactivity to understanding and empathy, so that they can create a deeper and loving connection with each other.